Messages from the Body

Body Reading

Drawing upon studies regarding unprocessed emotional responses to trauma and other emotional events, Eileen is trained to evaluate areas of the body where muscle memory has created knots of tension and repetitive behavior cycles. Facilitating the student in a combination of ball work and asanas targeting those patterns, healing and emotional health are optimized.

The body doesn’t lie. Our bodies tell the story of our entire lives. By studying our breathing and movement patterns,we can unfold the messages the body is trying to tell us. Sometimes these messages are quiet, like a hunched up shoulder or sore lower back. Or they can be quite loud, formulating dis- ease to get our attention.

Body reading is a useful tool to discovering more about the habitual holding patterns that can limit movement and breath and let’s face it, life.

Developing a personal practice around transforming these patterns, will bring our body and minds to freedom.

For Private Yoga Sessions Contact:
Mara, Karen, Eileen

For Body Reading contact Eileen or Karen.